
Monday, December 12, 2016

Your State's Day Care Licensing Division--Stopping birth defects from congenital CMV?

Can you help me? I'm looking for each state's Day Care Licensing Division information. 

When I was pregnant, I was a licensed day care provider and unaware of CMV, my increased risk for contracting it, and how to prevent it. My daughter Elizabeth was born severely disabled by congenital CMV. 

I am gathering every state's day care licensing division information to ensure they have the cytomegalovirus (CMV) prevention education materials they need to protect the health of babies born to their childcare workers and to the families who have a child in their care.

These are the kinds of things I'm hoping day care centers are providing/will provide: 

  1. CMV prevention education added to the licensing training (see:
  2. CMV prevention  education added to a childcare center’s handbook and website
  3. CMV prevention discussed at center’s parent orientation
  4. CMV prevention brochures (see Utah's brochure for childcare providers). 
  5. Signs about CMV prevention hanging in day care centers so parents can also see them when they pick up their children (see one from National CMV Foundation below). Currently, in Connecticut, day care centers are inspected for:
Items Posted: Conspicuous/Accessible
8. License
9. Current Fire Marshal Certificate Date:____________
10. DPH Complaint Procedure
__11. Food Service Certificate Date:____________
12. Menus
13. Emergency Plans
14. No Smoking Signs
15. Radon Test 

Would you be able to send me the following information with links? This is what I would like: 
  1. Your State
  2. State CMV Bill? Status?
  3. Day Care Licensing Division 
  4. Day Care licensing contact person with email and/or phone.
  5. Department of Health's CMV webpage (if any)
  6. Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA):  Your state's office
  7. Your name, title (parent/health professional, and email address (if you are willing to have it posted on my blog)
For example, the following is my state's information (I will add these below in alphabetical order): 

  1. Connecticut (CT)
  2. CT CMV Bill Status - In 2015, H.B. 5525 was passed to test newborns who fail their hearing screen for CMV:
  3. CT Day Care Licensing Division: Office of Early Childhood’s Division of Licensing for Child Care Providers/Operators:
  4. CT Day Care Licensing Contact Person: Debra L. Johnson, Director, Division of Licensing, Connecticut Office of Early Childhood,,
  5. CT Department of Health's CMV Webpage:
  6. CT OSHA Office
  7. My name: Lisa Saunders, CMV mom, former licensed day care provider, and parent rep, Congenital Cytomegalovirus Foundation,

Please send your state's licensing information to me at plan to post it on my blog as seen below, so if you don't want your name and email address listed, that's fine. 

Thank you! 
Lisa Saunders
CMV Awareness and Policy AdvocateParent Rep., Congenital Cytomegalovirus Foundation | | | PO Box 389, Mystic, CT 06355 | 


  1. Connecticut (CT)
  2. CT CMV Bill Status - In 2015, H.B. 5525 was passed to test newborns who fail their hearing screen for CMV:
  3. CT Day Care Licensing Division: Office of Early Childhood’s Division of Licensing for Child Care Providers/Operators:
  4. CT Day Care Licensing Contact Person:
  5. CT Department of Health's CMV Webpage:
  6. CT OSHA Office
  7. My name: Lisa Saunders,  former licensed day care provider, and parent rep, Congenital Cytomegalovirus Foundation,

  1.  Oklahoma
  2. State CMV Bill? No Status? Initial stages of awareness campaign with state legislators/senate, health committee
  3. Day Care Licensing Division Department of Human Services
  4. Day Care licensing contact person with email and/or phone.childcare.occs@okdhs.orgPhone 800-347-2276, Mailing Address: PO BOX 25352, Oklahoma City, OK 73125-0352
  5. Department of Health's CMV webpage (if any) None
  6. OSHA:  Your state's office
Oklahoma City Area Office
55 North Robinson - Suite 315
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73102-9237
(405) 278-9560
(405) 278-9572 FAX
  1. Your name, title, and contact information
Cara Gluck
CMV Parent Advocate
Contact:   580-678-9509




1. State: Tennessee
2. State CMV Bill Status: In February 2016, HB2397/SB2097 (CMV Awareness Bill) passed unanimously:
Became law July 1, 2016. 
3. TN Daycare Licensing Division:
4. TN Daycare licensing person: See above office locator link. Waiting for email response with a name of person in charge of entire state. 
5. TN Dept. of Health CMV site: none
7. Rebekah McGill, MA, CCC-SLP, speech-language pathologist and CMV awareness advocate,

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