Thursday, October 30, 2014

Parent of a Congenital CMV Child?

The following document, How Writing and Scriptures Got Me Through the Shock of Congenital CMV,  contains my  inner struggles of raising my daughter born with congenital CMV. I chose not to include many of those dark, lonely nights in my published memoir, Anything But A Dog!: The Perfect Pet For A Girl With Congenital Cmv (Cytomegalovirus)--A mother’s humorous and moving search for one pet to suit two very different daughters, one a tomboy, the other mentally and physically disabled from the # 1 birth defects virus-- because I thought it would be too hard for the general public to read. Anything But a Dog! is meant to highlight that a congenital CMV child and family can move forward and have a happy life complete with pets, friends, etc. It also includes a chapter on congenital cytomegalovirus prevention and quotes from CMV experts.
If you are the parent of child with congenital CMV and are severely struggling, and want to know in detail what I did to survive those early, difficult paralyzing thoughts (including prescription help from a doctor), please click here: How Writing and Scriptures Got Me Through the Shock of Congenital CMV.

To watch me read a short excerpt from my published memoir, Anything But A Dog!: The Perfect Pet For A Girl With Congenital Cmv (Cytomegalovirus), visit:

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