Friday, September 13, 2024

Another Congressman cosponsors Stop CMV Act of 2024 (HR7542)



I want to thank Congressman Brandon Williams for becoming a cosponsor of the Stop CMV Act of 2024 (HR7542), bipartisan legislation that will authorize new funding to incentivize hospitals and other health care entities to increase screening of newborns for congenital cytomegalovirus (CMV). According to the Centers for Disease Control, about one in five infants with congenital CMV will have birth defects or long-term health issues, such as hearing or vision loss, seizures, or developmental and motor delay. 

In a press release, Congressman Williams stated: "Nearly 90% of infants born with congenital CMV appear perfectly healthy at birth, and it can take more than two years for associated health problems to become visible. This underscores the importance of early screening, both to come alongside caregivers who want what’s best for their children, and to contribute to ongoing research efforts that will help us better understand this disease as we seek to treat it” (Rep. Williams Announces Cosponsorship of Stop CMV Act of 2024September 12, 2024). 

In 2022, New York passed "Elizabeth's Law," named in memory of our daughter. Elizabeth was born with a severely damaged brain from congenital CMV in 1989 and died at 16 during a seizure. Elizabeth's Law (S6287C), sponsored by Senator John Mannion, “Requires the provision of informational materials to child care providers and certain physicians and midwives regarding the impacts and dangers of congenital cytomegalovirus infection.” 


Ever since our daughter's death in 2016, I've focused my energies on trying to improve CMV prevention. " At least one-third of the pregnant women in the US are high risk; that is, they have daily household or occupational contact with children less than 3 years old" (Adler, 2011). Unbeknownst to me, I was at high risk for CMV when pregnant because I was an "in-home" licensed child care provider, a church nursery volunteer, and the mother of  a toddler. 

My husband Jim and I are currently walking across New York State between Buffalo and Albany on the Erie Canalway Trail leaving behind "Stop CMV" rocks with prevention information on the back as a way to raise awareness and to honor the memory of children who have died from congenital CMV.

To learn more about CMV laws and protocols in New York and beyond, click on this flier I created: CMV - New York Laws and OSHA


Lisa Saunders

Sunday, August 25, 2024

CMV: OSHA says caregivers who render first aid must be trained in CMV

Dear CMV Advocates: 

I have some good news that should affect every state in the United States because it helps raise awareness of CMV through child care centers, which in turn should raise awareness among the pregnant moms who use them:  “61 % of children under the age of 5 are cared for in a child care facility...Intervening with child care providers and parents through child care facilities are key opportunities to reduce prevalence of CMV infection and other diseases” (Thackeray and Magnusson, 2016).

According to OSHA , any child care provider who is required to render first aid as part of their job must be educated on CMV through the "bloodborne pathogen" training required through their employers! Although most CMV is transmitted through saliva and urine, because it is also a bloodborne pathogen, then training is required, which also includes the proper handling of other bodily fluids.

For example, nurses do not contract CMV more than the regular population, and that is because they receive bloodborne pathogen training (even though they may not have heard of CMV, they are taught how to handle blood and all the bodily fluids).

"The risk of CMV infection in hospital workers is not greater than it is in others in the community and is probably low because of careful hand washing practices. In daycare centers, where hand washing practices may not be as good, there may be a greater risk of infection" (
"The slow rate of acquisition of CMV in susceptible adults suggests that transmission requires prolonged, intimate contact. Nurses and nursing students who practice good personal hygiene are no more likely to acquire CMV than their peers in the community" (

While OSHA’s current Bloodborne Pathogens page ( does not emphasize the inclusion of CMV under the Bloodborne Pathogens Standard, it is currently considered a bloodborne pathogen.

The significance of having OSHA add CMV to the Bloodborne Pathogen Standard:

  • Standard requires annual training 
  • Workers must be trained on CMV – they are guaranteed to hear about it
  • Standard requires employers to evaluate routes of exposure and provide hazard reduction methods'.

If you want to make sure your state is training caregivers/teachers, the following is an email I just sent to New York's Office of Children and Families: 

Dear Office of Children and Families:

I wanted to make sure you are aware that OSHA says that any child care provider who is required to render first aid as part of their job duties must be educated about cytomegalovirus (CMV) through the "bloodborne pathogen" training required from employers.

While OSHA’s current Bloodborne Pathogens page ( does not emphasize the inclusion of CMV under the Bloodborne Pathogens Standard, it is considered a bloodborne pathogen. As you may recall, in 2019, OSHA recognized CMV as a hazard: “Workers in childcare and some healthcare jobs have frequent potential exposure to people—usually children—infected with CMV. The virus spreads through contact with body fluids, including saliva, nasal secretions, and excrement.“ 

Because CMV can also spread through blood, “Child care workers who are designated as responsible for rendering first aid” are covered by OSHA’s Bloodborne Pathogens Standard, the “regulation that prescribes safeguards to protect workers against health hazards related to bloodborne pathogens...imposes requirements on employers of workers who may be exposed to blood or other potentially infectious materials such as certain tissues and body fluids.”

More information on OSHA and CMV: 
  • Regarding childcare providers and their coverage under the Bloodborne Pathogens Standard, two previously published "Letters of Interpretation" address this question and make clear that childcare providers, if they are required to render first aid, are covered by the Bloodborne Pathogens StandardRead the following Letters of Interpretation for more information: 

Thanks for all you do!
Lisa Saunders

P.S. If interested, here is my latest TV interview about raising awareness of CMV in New York:

Thursday, July 25, 2024

Telling a Mom Her Newborn May Have Hearing and/or Vision Loss

(Image of me, Lisa Saunders, holding my daughter, Elizabeth, born with congenital cytomegalovirus.)

Telling a Mom Her Newborn May Have Hearing and/or Vision Loss

By Lisa Saunders

Part 1 – What is CMV, Learning the Diagnosis & Move Forward

The leading cause of hearing loss, after heredity, is congenital cytomegalovirus (CMV). Congenital CMV is also a cause of vision loss. The CDC states, “About 1 in 200 babies is born with congenital CMV infection. About 1 in 5 babies with congenital CMV infection will have birth defects or other long-term health problems.” In October 2023, New York State began testing every newborn for CMV for a one-year newborn screening pilot program. This means that mothers of newborns who tested positive for CMV, have the potential to hear that their child may develop hearing loss and/or vision loss as they age.

Presenting the possible outcomes of congenital CMV (or cCMV) to a mother is difficult news to deliver, and even harder for a mother to process. When my daughter Elizabeth was born in 1989 with obvious microcephaly (small, damaged brain), the following day I was told by a neonatologist that Elizabeth had tested positive for congenital CMV. I learned I had contracted CMV while pregnant, most likely from the toddlers who were under my care and passed it on to Elizabeth while she was developing in my womb. (If only I had known to reduce my chances of getting CMV by being more careful when handling the saliva and urine of young children.) The doctor said, “Of all the cases I've seen, Elizabeth's is the worst. She will never roll over, sit up, or feed herself. Her color is bad, her cry is strange, and she startles violently whenever people touch her. I don't know if she can see or hear.” That was 35 years ago, but I remember that conversation as if it were yesterday.

According to the article, “Improving the way healthcare professionals deliver different news to families during pregnancy or at birth: a qualitative study,” receiving news of a child’s learning disability “had a significant impact on parents’ emotional and mental wellbeing. They remembered how professionals described their child, the quality of care and emotional support they received. The process had a significant impact on the parent–child relationship and the relationship between the family and healthcare professionals.” Delivering this news is “challenging for some healthcare professionals due to lack of training” (Mugweni, et al, 2021).

The National CMV Foundation states, “Hearing problems occur in up to 75% of babies with symptomatic congenital CMV... the hearing loss will progress throughout the course of their lives.” In addition, “approximately 10-15% of asymptomatic babies may experience hearing loss, which can occur at birth or later in life.” Regarding vision, “Vision problems or loss may occur in 10-20% percent of children with symptomatic congenital CMV. The types of vision abnormalities are diverse and include scars on the retina and eye muscle tissues. Cortical vision impairment (CVI) or cortical blindness, where the brain improperly translates signals from an otherwise healthy eye, causing permanent visual deficiency, may also occur.” In addition, “Minor vision loss may occur in one to two percent (1-2%) of asymptomatic babies, usually caused by small scars or abnormal pigment layers on the retina that may be present at birth, or may occur later during childhood.”

Andrew Handel, MD, a Pediatric Infectious Disease physician at Stony Brook Children's Hospital, said, "Disclosing a new diagnosis of congenital CMV can be difficult in many ways. The conversation entails delivering some upsetting news, but also being very clear about the optimism and hope for the future. Most parents have never heard of CMV, so processing a complex and uncertain diagnosis can be challenging. There's so much we medical providers don't know about cCMV, that it can be difficult to provide accurate, meaningful information. As a result, the medical community has a long track record of minimizing the conversation or avoiding it altogether. Thankfully, due in large part to the work of parent advocates, there's growing momentum toward national cCMV awareness among providers and the general public. These conversations will always be difficult, but meeting families with compassion, humility, and a commitment to ongoing communication goes a long way. Feedback from families who have lived through these experiences is invaluable toward improving these conversations. " (Dr. Handel is Primary Investigator, with Sharon Nachman MD, of PROACTIVE NYS, an NIH-funded long-term follow-up study of young children with congenital CMV:, 

In my new memoir, "Had I Known about CMV: From Shock to Law," I decided to reveal my true thoughts after I received Elizabeth’s diagnosis and her predicted future. At the time, I didn’t tell my family and friends that I wished I were dead and of the various ways I told God He could kill me so it would look like an accident. When He didn't kill me, I prayed He would help me love Elizabeth – and that He did – in abundance. At first, I felt nervous sharing such personal thoughts with the world, but when I began hearing from mothers about their experience receiving the news that their child might be DeafBlind, I was glad I did.

One mom, who gave me permission to share her story told me that she was so exhausted caring for her newborn and overwhelmed by a new diagnosis her daughter received when she was eight months old, that she bought two bottles of sleeping pills and a bottle of wine and drove to a parking lot to end her life. She was saved because her husband kept calling her and leaving messages, asking her to come home and help him take care of their daughter. Initially, that was the only thing that kept me going, too – knowing that my kids needed me to take care of them. Most of us moms don't share our struggles with those closest to us because we don't want to worry those around us. We may not want them to know we’re drowning or that we feel guilty for passing something harmful onto our children.

The unconditional love I grew to feel for Elizabeth was so powerful and fulfilling that I can't imagine who I would be today if I didn’t have the chance to raise her for 16 years. Although the doctor who gave me her initial prognosis was right, she never did "rollover, sit up, or feed herself,” and she was considered “deaf-blind,” he failed to predict that for several years in a row, Elizabeth would receive the "best smiling" award at school – making me so proud when I hung her certificates on our refrigerator.

Although the mom who attempted suicide is fine now and lovingly raising her daughter, her story prompted me to ask moms how they received the congenital CMV news and what helped, hurt, or could have been done better. Although congenital CMV is a leading cause of birth defects, most moms have never heard of it until our baby gets the diagnosis. One mom said that when she got the diagnosis, she thought her daughter had something like the flu – something she’d recover from. She said it took several compassionate nurses to help her realize that her daughter could be normal – or she could be nonverbal, blind, deaf, unable to walk or move. She said, "A lot of questions stemmed from family members when they Googled it. They thought I had been promiscuous or had done IV drugs. I got blamed by my family and her dad’s family for contracting CMV."

I hope my story, and the stories that follow, will help the medical community learn how to better deliver a distressing diagnosis to a mother. For example, it’s important to remind the mother that her child is not a tragedy – but a lovely little person whose life still has purpose and meaning. In Part 2 of this article series, I will share perspective from the National CMV Foundation, resources for parents, direct quotes from families from our Facebook group and more! Stay tuned for the next edition!

In the meantime, for more information about congenital CMV and deafblindness, contact the New York DeafBlind Collaborative (NYDBC) at For specifics on statistics, Susanne Morrow, NYDBC Project Director, suggests checking the national statistics from the annual Child Count. This is a summary of all children registered with the federally funded State DeafBlind Projects. The most recent report from 2022 is available on the National Center on DeafBlindness website: Primary Identified Etiology | 2022 National Deafblind Child Count Report.

Lisa Saunders



National CMV Foundation Program Director, Amanda Devereaux RN, BSN, herself the mother of a child with congenital CMV, said, “This can be a hard diagnosis to live with. There is uncertainty, fear, anger, and regret. For most people it does get easier. You will learn to love your child exactly as they are, and you will learn that although your parenting journey is different than most, it is no less valuable or joyful. You are doing exactly what every parent should do – parent your individual child, exactly as they are, and not how you expected them to be. I think it is important to focus on the short term, at least at the beginning. I would ask myself, ‘What can I do for my child today?’ I would not allow my thoughts to drift too far into the future. It took time, practice, and counseling to be able to focus on the short term. Over time, I have been able to extend how far I can look into the future without feeling overwhelmed. You will get there. It just takes time.”

The National CMV Foundation has a very simple, but comforting flier for parents: “CONGENITAL CMV: SUPPORT AND NEXT STEPS, which includes testimonies from parents, such as Jami, who said, "It's OK to be broken and cry, and ask ‘why us?’ But at the end of the day your baby is perfect. Finding support from families similar to mine helped me remember that my child is perfect…” The National CMV Foundation hosts “Care to Talk,” a recurring, online support group for families that discusses life “before, during, and beyond congenital CMV.” If you would like to try the Foundation’s “Care to Talk”, pre-registration is required. For questions and/or to pre-register, please contact Amanda Devereaux at:

Several moms I polled through a CMV Facebook group have offered to share their experiences to help the medical community learn how to deliver an upsetting diagnosis:

  • "The doctor should make sure to point out how amazing her baby is and how lucky the baby is to have a wonderful mom. I think that will help focus back on the miracle of her child's life and show love to the baby and her mom. Knowing the doctors valued my daughter and were compassionate to her was comforting and very helpful."

  • "I think it's really important that doctors realize their words will stay with that mother forever. It may just be a normal day at work for them, but for us, it’s a moment that changed our whole lives. It's important to give clear, accurate information on cCMV, and though, yes, you may have to touch on the worst-case scenarios, statistics also say most children will have mild effects."

  • We were very lucky. [The neurologist] didn't guess what our newborn would or wouldn't be able to do. He told us she was beautiful and what to watch for. He was her neurologist for years and was always a kind and steady influence in our lives until she was in her teens and he retired. I've always known we were blessed to have him.”

  • "My OB prayed for me. My fetal maternal specialist was hopeful with each appointment. He was amazing. His partner was just not, but that was just her direct personality."

  • "We did have some incredibly compassionate nurses and doctors that handled things really well. One doctor sat me down and told me repeatedly this wasn’t my fault. I’ve always appreciated her."

  • "I got a phone call from the infectious disease nurse who I didn't know, and it was terrible. I would say call people into their family doctor’s office (somewhere familiar) and maybe have the infectious disease nurse talk over the phone there.”

  • "I was on my own, husband at work, baby five days old, in NICU. I was told: ‘If your baby survives she will be deaf, blind, brain dead, in a wheelchair, like a cabbage.’ After that, I never heard another word.”

  • I think doctors are too quick to only give the clinical list of things that are wrong and fail to tell the good sides. Even when giving horrible news, you can share that there will still be joy. My severely affected son was predicted to be 'blind, deaf, and retarded' by one NICU doctor and 'a vegetable' by another. While the first set of predictions were technically true, my son was still a happy, joyful child. He laughed and smiled constantly, loved to swim, listen to music, sing, kick, snuggle, play with rattles, and he even enjoyed riding roller coasters at Disney. Yes, he had a lot of daily medical needs. Yes, he faced life or death medical situations annually and passed away at age six. But his life was still valuable and worth living. Finally, all medical providers need to know that CMV is extremely common in children, and they are not putting themselves at unusual risk if they treat our children."


One mom said the poem, “Welcome to Holland,'' written by the mother of a child with Down syndrome, Emily Perl Kingsley, was very helpful. My friend, singer/songwriter Debra Lynn Alt, wrote a song to help us mothers put words and music to our feelings. She titled it, "Had I Known (about CMV)," and I listen to it often. Parents may also benefit from reading articles such as,”How to Cope When Your Unborn Baby is Diagnosed with a Birth Defect” (Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, 2019). Parents can also contact the National Congenital CMV Disease Research Clinic and Registry, spearheaded by Gail J. Demmler-Harrison, MD, Attending Physician, Infectious Diseases at Texas Children's Hospital and Professor, Department of Pediatrics, Infectious Disease Section, Baylor College of Medicine. Known affectionately as Dr. Gail by her CMV patients and their families, she has over 40 years of experience in congenital CMV.

When Dr. Gail was interviewed for a webinar hosted by The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists on presenting the diagnosis of congenital CMV to a family, she said, “First, I begin with, they’re not alone. My families think they are the only ones on the planet with a baby with congenital CMV because they’ve never heard about it. So, I explain that CMV is actually a very common virus. Most people will be infected with it. It’s usually silent – that’s why they don’t know about it…most babies who are congenitally infected with CMV will actually have little or no symptoms." Dr. Gail says the first few months are the hardest “because they often need to do evaluations, blood tests, imaging tests, hearing tests, eye exam, consultations...all during a time when they’re processing this news about their baby and also exhausted from being new parents. So, I reassure them that ... the first few months are the hardest and it does get better as their baby grows” (Compassionate Conversations: Congenital Cytomegalovirus, June 14, 2024).

Moms with children less affected by congenital CMV shouldn't be any less important than those whose children show signs of cCMV at birth,” said Kara Russell, New York National CMV Alliance Co-Chair. “As a mother who did not find out her daughter had congenital CMV until she was five years old, we are considered ‘lucky.’...I felt completely dismissed by everyone we saw, and was repeatedly told, ‘Well, it could be worse. Be thankful it's only her hearing.’ It was as if we should be grateful, that we didn't have the right to be angry or to grieve the loss of her hearing, that it didn't matter that she was struggling in school, has balance issues that cause injury, has behavioral issues, will be undergoing CI surgery, and that the rest of her life has been altered by something we were so completely unaware of.”

In my memoir,Had I Known about CMV: From Shock to Law,” I share how several strangers comforted or inspired me and how I learned to deal with the shock of Elizabeth’s profound brain damage by journaling, searching the Bible for relevant Scriptures, and by taking anti-anxiety medication. One Scripture that helped me move from deep depression to eventual joy was, "Perfect love casts out fear" (1 John 4:18). I learned to dwell on just loving Elizabeth and not her diagnosis and prognosis. Although I always prayed for a miracle, I also learned to just concentrate on caring for Elizabeth one day at a time, just as her nurses suggested before we brought her home from the hospital: “don’t worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring its own worries” (Matthew 6:34). You can read my initial thoughts and how I began recovering from them in the “read sample” portion of the ebook or paperback version.

Although Elizabeth died in 2006 at the age of 16 during a seizure, I feel like she is still with me. She is my "Tiny Tim" who would say if she could, "And God bless us, everyone!"

For more information about congenital CMV and deaf-blindness, Susanne Morrow, Project Director, New York Deaf-Blind Collaborative, suggests checking the statistics from the National Center on DeafBlindness. She said, “This is the national child count that we report our data to every year” (click on “Primary Identified Etiology | 2022 National Deafblind Child Count Report”).

About Lisa Saunders

Lisa Saunders was the mother of Elizabeth, born with a severely damaged brain from congenital CMV in 1989. Although Lisa was a licensed, in-home childcare provider, a church nursery volunteer and the mother of a toddler, she was unaware her activities put her at increased risk for CMV. Lisa helped pass CMV legislation in both Connecticut and New York and was the recipient of the National CMV Foundation Spirit of Advocacy Award in 2023. Lisa is currently walking 360 miles across the State of New York between Albany and Buffalo with her husband, Jim, leaving behind Stop CMV rocks to help raise awareness. She is a PAC-B TV talk show host and is on the Advisory Board, as a Parent Advocate, of PROACTIVE NYS, the follow-up study of New York infants with congenital CMV, and is a member of the New York DeafBlind Collaborative, Expert Advisory Council.

Thursday, July 11, 2024

Strides 4 CMV New York 5k: Families Endured Torrential Downpours to Stop CMV, #1 Birth Defects Virus

(Images submitted by Brandi Hurtubise and Kristin Schuster)


Lisa Saunders

Families Endured a Downpour to Stop CMV, Leading Viral Cause of Birth Defects

"Strides 4 CMV New York 5k" was organized by Brandi Hurtubise, New York National CMV Foundation Community Alliance Chair

Families and friends of seven girls disabled by the leading viral cause of birth defects, congenital cytomegalovirus (CMV), gathered in the pouring rain at Knox Farm State Park in East Aurora (near Buffalo) on June 29, 2024, in honor of "National June CMV Awareness Month,"  to raise funds for the National CMV Foundation to combat the disease ("Strides 4 CMV New York 5k"). 

Lisa and Jim Saunders of Baldwinsville, the oldest parents at the "Strides 4 CMV New York 5k," marveled at the dedication of the families who overcame the obstacles of attending the outdoor, rainy event -- and the profound love these families showed for their daughters. Lisa, who has been advocating for CMV prevention education since her daughter Elizabeth was born with microcephaly (small, damaged brain) in 1989, said, "I only wish these families had heard of CMV prevention strategies before getting pregnant. Hopefully, the new CMV education law in New York and the national Stop CMV Act of 2024 will decrease the numbers of babies born with congenital CMV, which the CDC estimates to be one in 200." When Lisa was pregnant with Elizabeth, she was a licensed, in-home childcare provider, a church nursery volunteer and the mother of a toddler - all activities that put her at high risk for CMV. Elizabeth died during a seizure at the age of 16 in Rockland Country, New York. Lisa is the author of memoir, "Had I Known about CMV: From Shock to Law," and is currently walking 360 miles between Albany and Buffalo, leaving behind Stop CMV rocks with prevention tips.

According to the CDC, "You can lower your chances of getting CMV by reducing contact with saliva (spit) and urine from babies and young children. Make sure you: Do not share food, utensils, cups, or pacifiers with a child. Wash your hands with soap and water after changing diapers or helping a child to use the toilet" (

The following other mothers attending "Strides 4 CMV New York 5k" can be seen in these images submitted by Brandi Hurtubise and Kristin Schuster: 

(Left to right: Jessica Keukelaar, Kristin Schuster, Brandi HurtubiseAngela CoteKara Russell, and Tabitha Rodenhaus.)

Jessica Keukelaar of Macedon is the mother of Kyleigh, born with congenital CMV in 2018. When Jessica was pregnant with her firstborn Kyleigh (seen below), she was a child care provider in a daycare center and unaware of her occupational hazard for CMV. "Congenital CMV has affected every aspect of Kyleigh’s life, as well as our whole family. I wish that someone took the time to educate me about CMV since I was at an increased risk of infection.”   Jessica designs CMV awareness logos for placement on her family's clothing to raise awareness. 

(Kyleigh raises awareness of CMV with her bib created by her mom, Jessica.)

Kristin Schuster of Canandaigua, mom to Autumn (born 2015), said, "Unfortunately, my daughter wasn't diagnosed with congenital CMV until 18 months old--well after the opportunity had passed to receive treatment most effective when given between ages zero to six months."  She said, "I was teaching in a pre-kindergarten inclusion classroom while pregnant with Autumn and was unaware of the dangers of CMV exposure."  
(Kristin and daughter, Autumn.)

Brandi Hurtubise of Buffalo, New York National CMV Foundation Community Alliance Chair"On January 26, 2016 Samantha was born. The delivery room filled with doctors and nurses that began to immediately use the word microcephaly...As a result of Congenital Cytomegalovirus, Samantha has spastic quadriplegia cerebral palsy, microcephaly, epilepsy, profound hearing loss, and is legally blind... CMV is something that everyone should be talking about; at the very least it needs to be that piece of knowledge that's at the back of your brain and stored away for another day" (Strides 4 CMV New York 5k). Brandi can be reached at
(Brandi relaxes with Samantha on the shores of Lake Ontario in Summer 2024.)

Angela Cote of Buffalo appreciates the 2018 New York CMV testing law because it helped doctors diagnose why her daughter Elise failed her hearing test giving her options for early intervention. But  Angela wishes she had known about CMV and how to prevent it BEFORE her pregnancy with Elise--especially since Angela had an occupational risk for it. She said, "Not once have I ever heard of CMV or was told about CMV. I was a nanny so I was around children a lot as well as having my daughter, who was a toddler at the time I became pregnant with Elise. Not my OB or any other doctor mentioned or screened me for CMV to see if I had been exposed in the past." (Lisa Saunders interviewed Angela Cote and  Brandi Hurtubise on her local access TV showCytoMegaloVirus (CMV) - What Moms Wished They KnewPAC-B TV, 2021).

Kara Russell of Penfield: "My daughter is the perfect example of why all newborns should be tested for CMV and receive early intervention in their first critical months of life. Lyla, my youngest child, was born full term and otherwise healthy, passing her newborn hearing screen. So, she was not tested for CMV. Therefore, she never received the recommended regular hearing checks to catch the possibility of a progressive hearing loss. It wasn't until Lyla's five-year well check in summer 2023 that we learned she had profound unilateral hearing loss – that she was completely deaf in her left ear. We have no idea how long she was unable to hear accurately, even though she had been receiving speech services since age four as well as occupational therapy for coordination and balance delays. Nobody ever suggested checking her hearing. According to the CDC, ‘Hearing loss can affect a child’s ability to develop communication, language, and social skills. The earlier children with hearing loss start getting services, the more likely they are to reach their full potential’ (CDC/HearingLossinChildren)" (statement emailed to Lisa Saunders on May 6, 2024). Kara Russell is the New York National CMV Alliance Co-Chair and can be reached at:

Tabitha Rodenhaus of Kenmore is the mother of Kaia (born with congenital CMV in 2016) who paints Stop CMV rocks for distribution across New York and beyond because Kaia enjoys watching her mom work. She said, "Kaia has taught us to always embrace the gray despite her diagnosis. She's always smiling and shining bright."  

In 2022, the New York Governor signed “Elizabeth’s Law” (S6287C/A7560), named in memory of Jim and Lisa's daughter, which “Requires the provision of informational materials to child care providers and certain physicians and midwives regarding the impacts and dangers of congenital cytomegalovirus infection.” On September 20, 2023, a universal CMV testing bill was filed in New York (A07997/S07659), which "requires cytomegalovirus screening for every newborn..."

In addition, "The New York State Department of Health announced that effective October 2, 2023, all babies will be screened for Congenital Cytomegalovirus (cCMV), making New York the second state in the nation, after Minnesota, to screen all babies for the virus". The NY Newborn Screening Program is provisionally adding congenital CMV (cCMV) to its "screening panel for a period of one year" using dried blood spot (DBS) (“Congenital Cytomegalovirus (cCMV) Screening | New York State Department of Health”). The goal of testing every newborn for cCMV for one year is to help answer questions about whether or not universal cCMV screening can be successful nationwide. They need to see if cCMV can be detected by dried blood spot newborn screening and "Is catching and diagnosing cCMV at birth helpful?" It is believed that "Screening in a diverse population like New York will help determine true incidence" (Bradley).

Dr. Andrew Handel, who saw these images from the rainy "Strides 4 CMV New York 5k", emailed the mothers in attendance, "It's great to see/meet all of you! If there was ever a great analogy for cCMV families/advocacy, smiling while running a 5K through a rainstorm, this must be it. Please let me know how we can collaborate on your advocacy work. For those of you who I haven't met, I'm a Pediatric Infectious Disease doc from Long Island and one of the study leads on PROACTIVE NYS (, a long-term follow-up study of children with cCMV identified on the NYS newborn screen. I meet monthly with the DOH's CMV Newborn Screen team and the Peds Infectious Disease providers around NYS who care for children with cCMV. We've recently been discussing how best to advocate for NYS legislation making cCMV a permanent part of the NYS Newborn Screen. I would love to have your thoughts on where we go next in NYS and how the medical world can support your advocacy efforts." (To learn more about the pilot study, visit:, or contact Andrew Handel, MD, Renaissance School of Medicine at Stony Brook University, at:
